
My name is Sophie Diao (rhymes with “meow”).
I'm a left-handed artist living in San Francisco Oakland! California.

I make Google Doodles during the day and freelance at night. 
I’ve done work for the Ad Council, Cartoon Network, Chromosphere, Disney TV Animation, Hermès, Pixar, and more.

My debut author-illustrator book is called
and it comes out April 9, 2024 from HarperCollins. (!!!)

I’ve also illustrated several other books:
A NAME FOR SISTER from HarperCollins (2026)
FROM PARK TO PLAYA from Cameron Kids (May 2024)
I AM GOLDEN from Feiwel & Friends (Feb 2022)
SARAH AND THE BIG WAVE from Henry Holt (May 2021)
I AM THE WIND from Page Street Kids (Nov 2020)

For freelance, contact sydiao@gmail.com (no personal commissions!)
For picture books, please contact Hannah Mann at Writers House.

→ Follow me on Instagram
→ Visit my print shop